The Championship Chess Set Combo with Storage
You can now own the chessmen used by Champions. This design is an exact reproduction of the traditional European pattern chessmen used at every major International chess event in the past 15 years. The list of tournaments that have used these Championship chessmen includes WorldChampionships, FIDE Olympiads, Linares, Dortmund, Wijk Aan Zee and many more. The pieces are heavily weighted for a superb chess playing experience and beautifully finished complete with a luxurious billiard felt base. The robust design can withstand rigorous chess games with no delicate points to break or chip.
The mahogany wood chessboard is smoothly finished and offers coordinates that help in recording games on chess notation books or replaying and reviewing your own games or those of famous players.
And there are two extra bonus queens for those pawn promotions.
CHESS PIECES – Features and Specs
- 3 3/4″ King
- 1 1/2″ Base
- 32 Pieces + 2 Extra queens for that occasional pawn promotion
- Green felt bases
- Ebonized Boxwood is created when Boxwood is specially stained to the black appearance similar to the desirable Ebony wood. This is ideal for those who like the black contrast at a reasonable price. The light pieces are finished in clear-stain Boxwood as with most sets of chess pieces.
- Handcrafted in India by a firm with excellent craftsmen and no child labor, you can enjoy these responsibly sourced chess pieces will be enjoyed for years.
- If pieces are ever lost or broken, just contact Chess House. That’s just one of the many benefits of buying from a store that will recognize your set and be able to replaces pieces in most cases many years later.
CHESSBOARD – Features and Specs
- Board size: 19″
- Square size: 2″
- Mahogany and Birch veneer finish
- Made in Poland
- Felt pads to protect a table surface